The head brokerage firms also acted to regulate the virtual currency "mining"! Red-headed documents on mining explicitly prohibited, mining is facing strong global regulation

By    4 Mar,2022

The virtual currency space is currently facing increasing global regulation. The EU's top financial regulator has renewed its call for an EU-wide ban on major modes of bitcoin mining.

Erik Thedéen, vice president of the European Securities and Markets Authority, said bitcoin mining has become a "national issue" in Sweden; it warned that cryptocurrencies pose a risk to achieving the climate change goals of the Paris agreement.

Iranian President Rouhani announced in a televised speech in May 2021 that he would ban cryptocurrency mining in the country by Sept. 22. Rouhani reportedly correlated skyrocketing electricity demand for mining with power outages in several major cities and said that 85% of cryptocurrency mining practices in Iran are not licensed by the government.



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