What's so special about Solana? How to Staking on Solana?

By    11 Apr,2022

How to Staking on Solana?

Solana staking works similar to all proof-of-stake blockchain protocols. Once you have committed and locked down your SOL cryptocurrency, you can help secure the network and in return, you will receive newly created SOL tokens after settling the basic fees of the verifying party. And, if you have the technical skills, you can also run your own SOL verified node, but if you are just a regular person, you can put your SOL coins on several platforms such as Binance and FTX.

What applications can be run on Solana?

Blockchain-based decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-homogeneous token (NFT) services can run on the Solana blockchain. solana blockchain also supports the creation of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO)

Is Solana fast?

Solana has a base transaction per second (TPS) of 50,000. founder and CEO Anatoly Yakovenko intends to increase the speed of Solana, a hybrid blockchain protocol, with an eye to achieving 700,000 TPS. if achieved, Solana will be the fastest processing dApp protocol in the blockchain ecosystem.




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