A Comparison of Cardano’s Vasil Hard Fork and the Ethereum Merger

By    15 Sep,2022

Furthermore, diffusion pipelining provides parallel block propagation at a time when increased investor participation necessitates scalability. Finally, network optimization is triggered by the notification of block transfer to peers prior to validation in order to ensure a smooth authentication process.

Ethereum Merger

Ethereum 1.0 is a proof-of-work (PoW) execution layer, whereas its fork, the Beacon chain, is a proof-of-stake (PoS) control layer on an independent blockchain. However, the merger will bring the Beacon chain’s functionality onto the mainnet, making it a fully working PoS network.

The mainnet layer will continue to serve as the smart contract execution layer on the combined network, while the fork will handle all transaction data management. Following the merger, the following outcomes are expected:

Lower Energy Consumption

Eliminating the energy-intensive PoW and employing PoS validation techniques will reduce energy consumption during block creation by around 99%. To gain computational dominance, nodes in the present mining process rely on high hash power from mining pools. The new block generation technique, on the other hand, necessitates significant staking efforts, as the coins and time staked by participants fuel block creation.

High network efficiency and speed

The merged network enables node collaboration through sharding, in which groups of users receive blocks for validation. Staking ensures optimal block formation and transmission by concurrently validating many blocks. The network’s current speed of 15 transactions per second (TPS) will be increased to 100,000 TPS.

Lower Transaction Costs

Sharding also provides efficiency by ensuring that transactions initiated by investors, such as lending and borrowing, are validated on time, hence decreasing expenses.

Enhanced Security

Because the Beacon branch exists after numerous attempts using code audits to find spots of weakness, the network will have superior security outcomes. Eliminating such flaws during the merger trials results in a more secure platform with fewer problems that could threaten investor security.

Furthermore, the chain incorporates tight constraints under which rogue validators face penalties and network bans for validating incorrect transactions.


Despite the delays in implementing both the Ethereum merger and the Cardano hard fork, it is clear that many investors are waiting with bated breath. The hypotheses presented here represent the eagerness of the users to experience the milestones and enjoy or adjust to any results.

Many assume that the Basho (Vasil 1.35.3) launch on September 22nd is a hedge against probable severe market movements following Ethereum’s merger. Despite this, it is worth noting that both milestones will result in increased market capitalization due to improved throughput, network optimization, and security measures.




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