Short-lived squid coin, nearly zeroed out after soaring 2300 times! Virtual coin speculators have targeted the post-00s who are chasing the drama

By    25 Jan,2022

Myth busting, cryptocurrency's go down the drain.

Squid Coin (SQUID), a cryptocurrency named after the hit series "The Squid Game," recently staged an absurd scene. The token went live for trading on Oct. 26, after which the price soared over 2,300 times in a week, peaking at $2,861.80. On November 3, the exchange showed that the squid coin could not be traded and the operating team was said to have run away with the money.


A group of debt-ridden people participate in one battle royale game after another to win huge bonuses, with the winners getting huge bonuses and the losers losing their lives. As the game progresses, more and more people die, and those who survive become more and more determined to play on, and no one thinks they will be the losers of the game. This is one of the classic episodes of the Netflix hit series "The Squid Game". A similar drama has recently played out in the cryptocurrency world around the Squid Game, a virtual currency scam that has cost tens of thousands of investors a lot of money.



Virtual Coins