The terms ‘metaverse’ and ‘altcoin’ have been added to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary

By    19 Sep,2022

The phrase “booster,” which gained popularity following the COVID-19 pandemic, is defined in Merriam-dictionary, Webster’s as are “false positive” and “false negative” lab test findings.

Other terms on the list, such as “shrinkflation,” the process of reducing a product’s amount or volume while maintaining the same price, and “side hustle,” which refers to any form of work done in addition to one’s full-time job, will serve as continual reminders of the economy’s state in 2022.

Merriam-website Webster’s also has some scrumptious entries like as “pumpkin spice” and “birria.”

The Terms ‘Metaverse’ and ‘Altcoin’ Have Been Inscribed In Lexicon

According to Google Trends, the phrase “metaverse” is the most searched in the following five countries: Singapore (No. 1), Turkey, China, Cyprus, and the United Arab Emirates.

There are roughly 20,000 cryptocurrencies that are regarded as alternatives to established cryptocurrencies, the most prominent of which is Bitcoin.

Collins Dictionary named crypto-related technologies such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) the Word of the Year in 2021.

NFTs are significant in the metaverse because they serve as a neutral factor for purchasing digital assets that may be transferred between virtual settings.

“Some of these words will inspire or amuse, others may trigger debate. Our job is to capture the language as it is used,” Sokolowski added.




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